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Frequently Asked Questions...


What is NicoBloc made of?
The main ingredients of NicoBloc are completely natural and consist of Water, a Sugar Compound and Citric Acid but the secret of NicoBloc is in the blending and processing of these ingredients. There is also some approved food grade coloring and preservative. The ingredients have FDA approval as food additives.
Is NicoBloc safe to use?
NicoBloc is not a drug, nor is it consumed by the smoker and as such can be used by all smokers including expectant mothers, diabetics, etc. NicoBloc contains 100% FDA approved safe food grade ingredients and is applied to the filter tip of the cigarette before lighting. NicoBloc has medical clearance covering the UK and Ireland, Europe, United States, Japan and Australasia.
Does NicoBloc make cigarettes safer to smoke?
NicoBloc traps around 90% of the tar and nicotine normally inhaled when smoking filter cigarettes. This enables smokers to wean themselves off nicotine to aid giving up cigarettes. NicoBloc does not make cigarettes safe only less harmful. There are many other chemicals including carbon monoxide that are still present in the smoke taken into the lungs. The only way to avoid all the noxious chemicals is not to smoke.
How does NicoBloc work?
NicoBloc is a viscous fluid, which is applied to the filter immediately prior to smoking. It works by trapping the nicotine and tar in the filter of the cigarette as it is smoked. One drop traps around 30%, two drops 60% and three drops around 90%. Using as directed, the smoker is able to gradually wean themselves off nicotine addiction and reduce consumption until they are ready to stop smoking altogether without experiencing the severe withdrawal symptoms usually associated with stopping smoking.
How quickly can I stop smoking with NicoBloc?
NicoBloc allows you to stop smoking at your own pace, which is dependant upon your own individual circumstances and smoking habits. Extensive trials over a two year period have shown that a six week period is a comfortable time frame for most smokers. This reduction period allows the body to gradually adjust to the physical changes that occur when nicotine is withdrawn over a period of time.
How long will one pack of NicoBloc last?
It is estimated that one bottle of NicoBloc will last a 20-a-day smoker about 2 weeks. Therefore over six weeks they will use about 3 bottles. In week one, one drop is applied to each cigarette. In week two, two drops is used on every cigarette and in week three and onwards, theee drops are used on each cigarette. At the same time the number of cigarettes smoked each day decreases which is why it still works at around one bottle lasting an average smoker two weeks. In most cases, the cost savings as a result of reduced cigarette consumption, more than covers the cost of NicoBloc plus of course, there are the health benefits of reduced tar and nicotine intake.
Can I put NicoBloc on all 20 cigarettes in a pack at one time?
NicoBloc has to be applied to your cigarette just before you smoke it. NicoBloc is active for about 15 minutes after applying it to your cigarette after which it dries out and makes the cigarette difficult to smoke.
What is the success of NicoBloc?
Over the last 10 years, NicoBloc has been the central product featured in our workplace stop-smoking programmes in the UK and Ireland. This encompassed hundreds of smokers, demonstrating an average of just under 60% cessation rate at the end of the course with a significant number of the remainder managing to substantially cut down.
Does NicoBloc have a taste?
NicoBloc has a slight sweet taste (which not everybody can detect) but does not change the taste of the cigarette. Tar trapped in the filter on the other hand has an unpleasant taste. Normally when smoking, the tar comes into your mouth as a vapor, bypassing your taste buds and going straight down into your lungs where it turns into a thick nasty liquid.
What are the usual nicotine withdrawal symptoms?
When you stop smoking, especially cold turkey (i.e. without any aids), there are certain symptoms of physical withdrawal that might be experienced. These can include lethargy, dizziness, nausea, headaches, aching joints, constipation, queasiness, short temper, sleeping problems, food craving and stomach cramps. It is these symptoms that can make people give up giving up. NicoBloc helps to reduce or manage these symptoms.
Does NicoBloc help me avoid withdrawal symptoms?
By gradually increasing the amount of NicoBloc used on cigarettes over a period of weeks, the amount of nicotine and tar being consumed is gradually reduced. This helps the body to get accustomed to lower nicotine levels at a gentle pace and gradually recover from the effects of the damaging tar. Because the smoker is still smoking, there isn't the issue of suddenly dropping the habit and not having anything to do with the hands, which also helps people to avoid eating more.
As NicoBloc blocks nicotine, will it not cause additional cravings?
One drop of NicoBloc blocks around 30% of the nicotine, which has been found, is enough to start the weaning off process but not enough to cause nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Increasing to two drops after two weeks and three drops after three weeks gives a smoker’s body time to adapt rather than causing abrupt reactions.
How does NicoBloc help with the habit of smoking?
Primarily, NicoBloc fluid traps tar and nicotine. However, the application of NicoBloc causes the smoker to change their usual routine of automatically lighting up without thinking by introducing the extra step of putting NicoBloc on each cigarette just before it is smoked.

Smokers report that it is usually their 'habitual' cigarettes that go first as they reduce their consumption down to just a few a day, especially the ones where there is a degree of impracticality in applying NicoBloc such as when driving a car or walking along the street.
Can I use NicoBloc on roll ups?
NicoBloc is designed to work with cigarette filters. People who smoke roll-ups can benefit from NicoBloc by applying it to a mini-filter prior to rolling the cigarette. It is suggested to position the NicoBloc treated mini-filter facing the tobacco.
Are low tar cigarettes safer?
Low tar cigarettes have been shown to be just as dangerous, if not more so, than conventional cigarettes. Smokers tend to modify their behavior to ensure they inhale enough smoke to achieve a satisfactory 'hit' and thus take in more tar by blocking the ventilation holes in the filter. People believe these cigarettes to be less dangerous (and by implication more healthy) but recent press coverage has sought to dispel this myth.
Will I put weight on if I use NicoBloc?
A few people put on weight as a direct consequence of stopping smoking (average 4 lbs) since nicotine has an effect on the metabolic rate and is a mild appetite suppressant. However, the side effects of some stopping methods can make some people feel very hungry and eat more than usual. Because NicoBloc enables people to continue to smoke while being gradually reducing their nicotine intake, they are much less likely to suffer the usual hunger pangs associated with stopping.
What is the origin of NicoBloc?
The properties of NicoBloc were discovered in the 1980's in America. During the 1990's, many hundreds of smokers in the UK and Ireland took part in corporate 'stop smoking programs' using NicoBloc and achieved very significant results. Due to popular demand, NicoBloc and the core elements of the program were refined into a retail product and made available to the general public.
What is on the NicoBloc instruction YouTube video?
The NicoBloc YouTube video, narrated by Robert Powell, contains an animated version of the printed booklet and shows how to apply NicoBloc to your cigarettes.
Where can I find the NicoBloc instruction video?
Go to the YouTube Website and put "NicoBloc Instruction Video" into the search engine
What is the 'Rosen Programme'?
The Rosen Programme was the corporate stop smoking initiative that was operated between 1995 and 2001 in Ireland and the UK through which many hundreds of smokers within companies gave up smoking and provided the opportunity for the efficacy of NicoBloc to be demonstrated outside of the laboratory situation. Rosen is an acronym for ‘Reduce and Overcome Smoking by Eliminating Nicotine’.
Is it a good idea to take vitamin supplements when giving up?
Cigarette smoking depletes the body of vitamin C. Some doctors suggest that as part of the process of giving up smoking you increase your intake of citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit or that you take a vitamin C supplement. Vitamin C also helps the body get rid of nicotine more quickly. Check with your GP or Pharmacist.
What is cigarette tar?
Tar is a sticky brown substance that forms when tobacco smoke cools and condenses. About 80% of this tar is deposited in the lungs and many of the substances in tar are known to cause cancer. Irritants in tar also damage the lungs by causing narrowing of the bronchioles, coughing, an increase in mucus and damage to the small hairs (cilia) which help protect the lungs from dirt and infection.
What is nicotine?
Nicotine is a colorless, oily chemical which is one of the most powerful poisons known. If the amount of nicotine from 6 cigarettes was placed on the tongue or injected into a person, they would be killed stone dead.

Nicotine is the addictive element in smoking, takes only 7 seconds to reach the brain from the lungs (which is twice as fast compared to injecting nicotine into your arm) and is more additive than heroin or cocaine. It has undesirable effects on the heart, blood pressure and digestive system through the increased production of adrenaline. Nicotine is also used as an insecticide.
I am having difficulty applying the second or third drop of NicoBloc into the filter of my cigarette.
When applying two or three drops to the cigarette, it is important that the process for applying one drop is repeated two or three times rather than putting on double or treble drops at the same time.

It helps to make the indentation deeper and to allow the previous drop to soak in before applying the next drop.

Also, sealing your lips around the filter and giving a quick forceful puff in between applying the drops can also help.
If 3 drops of NicoBloc reduces tar & nicotine around 90%, would 4 or 5 eliminate it altogether?
It is probably likely that 4 or 5 drops of NicoBloc would approach eliminating tar and nicotine by 100%. However, with this much NicoBloc in the filter, the cigarette would be more difficult to smoke and would probably reduce a smokers desire to keep with the programme, so that the end result might be less cessation rather than more cessation.

The Nicotine Story

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